Saturday, January 30, 2021

6 Easy Steps How to Check Canned Food for Botulism

When pressure canning, keep the following things in mind. If you or someone you know has symptoms of botulism, contact your doctor or go to the emergency room immediately. You cannot see, smell, or taste the toxin that causes botulism, but taking even a small taste of food containing the toxin can be deadly. First, if you suspect there is botulism in your jars, your food can not be “cleaned up.” It should be disposed of. If your jar is still sealed, the best thing is to just dispose of the entire jar. Stool and serum samples were obtained from those interviewed and were assayed for botulinum toxin.

home canned tomatoes botulism

A clinical diagnosis of botulism was made in the three patients. Stool and blood samples from cases 2 and 3 were sent for botulinum toxin tests. Case 1's attending physician was notified of the diagnosis of botulism in the family and the standard dose of Botulism Antitoxin Trivalent Types A, B and E was administered because of the severity of his illness. Cases 2 and 3 were treated symptomatically and all three patients had complete resolution of their symptoms by three months. It was determined that the three patients had eaten together on January 5, 9 and 10, 1999. Foodborne botulism can affect anyone and generally springs from improper home-canning procedures for foods of all sorts and then eating the food that contains it.

Is it true that vinegar kills botulism spores?

This is a survey of the CDC literature available on documented botulism cases in the United States to determine how many cases were documented as being caused by home-canned foods. Paige, I don’t know of a method to test for botulism in your jars. However, I’m so glad to encourage you that as long as you are sure you followed the tested methods, your meat should be fine. If you do things right (and right doesn’t meanhard), you can enjoy your home canned foods and grow and harvest for your own pantry. If you open a container and the food smells bad or is foamy or if the food is moldy or discolored, don't consume it.

home canned tomatoes botulism

That is why you need the pressure, from a pressure canner, to reach that level of heat. Did you know thatClostridium botulinumspores are on most fresh food surfaces? However, when certain conditions exist, these spores will germinate, multiply, begin dying, and then produce a deadly toxin. It is this toxin that causes serious food poisoning known asbotulism. The “canning spaghetti sauce using canned tomatoes” is a question that has been asked before. The answer to the question is no, not if it’s done correctly.

Home Canning, Food Safety, and Botulism

Strain into a bottle or Mason jar and store in the fridge for up to a week or so. With all of the bad and, most importantly, unsafe advice floating around the Internet these days, I thought it was important to clear up some of the misinformation out there. In the case of baked potatoes, do not store cooked, baked potatoes in aluminum foil as it creates the type of anaerobic environment that botulism loves. While I encourage you to get creative in the kitchen when it comes to preparing meals from scratch, when we’re talking about food preservation, you can’t just wing it.

home canned tomatoes botulism

All of those who are sick ate at a potluck dinner at Cross Pointe Free Will Baptist Church on April 19. Just the word is enough to put a terrified expression on the faces of participants in my food preservation workshops and with good reason. But armed with some facts about this scary bacterium, you will never have to worry about it when you're canning food at home. If you have food poisoning, here's what you should know about the duration period, symptoms, and when to see your doctor.


Never ever dispose of contaminated low acid foods such as fish, meat, poultry or veggies in the trash without heating them first since they may contain toxins that might poison animals or humans. Boil the opened container in water for 30 minutes, then cool and dispose of the contents. Nevertheless, you might dispose of infected high acid foods, such as fruit, in the garbage disposal or trash bin. High risk foods consist of home-canned, low acid items, such as meat, corn, beets, tomatoes and green beans, and fermented seafood, such as that served in Alaska. However, commercially ready chili peppers, baked potatoes and garlic in oil have actually been linked to botulism, too.

Of the 145 outbreaks that were caused by home-prepared foods, 43 outbreaks, or 30%, were from home-canned vegetables. These outbreaks often occurred because home canners did not follow canning instructions, did not use pressure canners, ignored signs of food spoilage, or didn’t know they could get botulism from improperly preserving vegetables. I’ve seen some people argue that their family has been water bath canning green beans (or peppers or tomatoes… which we’ll get to in a minute) in a boiling water bath forever and has never had a problem. But just because you’ve never had a problem before doesn’t mean you can’t have a problem in the future. In April of this year, a deadly botulism outbreak reminded us of how important it is to use methods for home canning that are tested for safety and recommended by science based resources. At a pot luck event at a church in Ohio, patrons were served potato salad that had been made from home canned potatoes.

With everything going on in the world these days, we’re getting more and more serious about equipping ourselves with the tools, supplies and skills needed to handle emergency situations if the need arises. This got me thinking it was high time to pull out my bug out bag and go through it because it’s been a couple years since I last did so. I decided to share it with you here and show you what I keep packed and ready to go and go through what needs updating and what I’m missing. Yesterday I was in my Stories sharing a bit about emergency preparedness and what I’m doing to get prepared for whatever the future holds. If left untreated, botulism can be fatal, although if caught early, an anti-toxin is available and can stop the spread of botulism and paralysis. There is currently no vaccine to prevent against botulism.

home canned tomatoes botulism

Contact the pressure canner manufacturer for other options. Our classes at the Canning School are for those people who know they want a full pantry and food preservation for themselves… but they don’t know where to start. I’ve been accused of fear mongering and holding people back from preserving food at home. My goal is to give you information, because I believe information conquers fear.

Finally, do not infuse oil with herbs and/or garlic at home. Oil provides the perfect anaerobic environment that botulism loves to grow in, and garlic-infused oil has been the culprit in a number of cases of botulism, including this one from 1989. I know there are people out there who have consumed home-canned milk and pickled eggs and pumpkin butter and even regular butter and who have lived to tell the tale, but this is another thing you just don’t want to risk. First of all, you need to understand the science behind home food preservation and botulism. Botulism is a serious illness that’s produced by a bacteria called Clostridium botulinum which, when activated, produces a neurotoxin that can paralyze and even kill its victims. Local and state health officials say potato salad made with home-canned potatoes is to blame for the more than 20 cases of botulism in Lancaster, Ohio, last week.

home canned tomatoes botulism

The relatively low acidity (pH 4.55) of the home-canned tomatoes and the high storage temperature may have allowed spore germination and toxin production . It has also been reported that the growth of molds may result in a higher pH, allowing C botulinum to grow . Any food that is improperly canned, whether that is home canned or even commercially canned foods, can cause botulism.

Where is botulism the most prevalent?

Store home-canned foodsexternal icon for recommended times only. After preparing safely, label and date the jars and store them in a clean, cool, dark place. Can no more food than you will use within one year, unless directions for a specific food give other advice.

Botulism is odourless and flavourless, and does not typically cause any visible signs of food spoilage (making it all the more insidious and hard to detect in home-canned and preserved foods). Botulism can be contracted through contaminated foods, wounds and through inhalation, (although for the sake of this article we are focusing on food-borne botulism). Throw it out, do not taste anymore, it is clearly going bad. Three days later 4 or five lips have popped and a clean liquid is on the counter top.

Food is important to note that even if it has gone bad, it will not be unsafe to consume; it will just taste unpleasant. According to the National Institutes of Health, symptoms might appear anywhere from 6 hours to 10 days and include double vision or impaired vision, drooping eyelids, slurred speech, trouble swallowing, and muscular weakness. Cans that are dented, fractured, or bulging are red flags that the product may not be safe. Whether you’ve never canned anything before or you’ve done a little canning and you’re ready to take the next step, my Yes, You CAN! Complete home canning course will walk you through everything you need to know to get started canning food SAFELY at home.

home canned tomatoes botulism

The patient was discharged after several weeks of hospitalization. Consistent research shows that excessive consumption of tomatoes can result in swelling and pain in the joints as they are packed with an alkaloid called solanine. The Solanine is responsible for building up calcium in the tissues and it later leads to inflammation. Canned tomatoes should always be cooked and have no place in a BLT or salsa fresca. Botulinum bacteria cannot develop in the refrigerator because they are unable to grow at temperatures below 12° C. Non-proteolytic strains are capable of growing at temperatures as low as 3° C.

Home Canning, Food Safety, and Botulism Extension News

So think twice before developing your own recipes for canning low acid or acidified foods at home. Do not use a boiling water canner for low-acid foods because it will not protect against botulism. Low-acid foods are the most common sources of botulism linked to home canning.

home canned tomatoes botulism

To discard safely, follow instructions for discarding food that may be contaminated. If your container or the food inside have any of these signs of contamination, throw it out! Follow the instructions below to throw the food out safely. These actions will help you prevent people and animals from accidentally coming into contact with food that may be contaminated. Read other food safety features to learn more about protecting yourself and your loved ones from food poisoning. Use a recommended pressure canner that holds at least four one-quart jars sitting upright on the rack.

What happens if you consume contaminated tomato sauce?

All of that being said, there is absolutely nothing to worry about so long as you follow safe canning procedures and tested recipes. For survivors of botulism, recovery often takes weeks, months or even years. One man who contracted botulism after he cut the processing time short on his home-canned venison never regained his sense of taste. Others have had to relearn how to walk and/or have lost full mobility.

The severity of the disease was mild to moderate with one patient carrying C botulinum being asymptomatic. The severity of botulism correlates with the amount of botulinum toxin ingested . The range of severity of illness seen in this outbreak may have resulted from the unequal distribution of toxin in the tomato sauce or from the partial inactivation of the toxin by heat. However, it was surprising that the priest was asymptomatic, because he ate twice as much of the contaminated food as the others.

Where is botulism the most prevalent?

Botulinum is disseminated by food that has been contaminated with the botulism toxin or spores. Clostridium botulinum may be found in untreated water and soil all around the globe. It generates spores that live in food that has been inadequately stored or canned and create a toxin.

You cannot see, smell, or taste botulinum toxin – but taking even a small taste of food containing this toxin can be deadly. The best way to prevent foodborne botulism is by carefully following instructions for safe home canning from the USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning. Only use recipes and cookbooks that follow the steps in the USDA guide. Don’t use other recipes, even if you got them from a trusted friend or family member. Boiling low-acid foods prior to eating them – not during the processing. Samples of potentially contaminated foods from the family's home were assayed for botulinum toxin and were cultured forC botulinum.

The science behind botulism and safe home canning

Contact the pressure canner manufacturer for other options. Our classes at the Canning School are for those people who know they want a full pantry and food preservation for themselves… but they don’t know where to start. I’ve been accused of fear mongering and holding people back from preserving food at home. My goal is to give you information, because I believe information conquers fear.

home canned tomatoes botulism

Botulism attributed to commercially canned foods is rare. Proper commercial canning, owing to the controlled temperature and processing time, renders food commercially sterile (free of viable microorganisms, including those of public health significance such as spores of C. As far as canning methods go, you need to remember that non-acidic foodsmust be processed in a pressure canner, not a boiling water bath. Case 3's wife made the tomato sauce for the pasta from home-canned tomatoes that were stored in their cellar. The temperature of the cellar was checked regularly and was kept below 4°C all year round. Her mother made the tomato sauce for the fish from home-canned tomatoes that were stored in her cellar.

The process used to produce the canned tomatoes epidemiologically implicated in the outbreak probably failed to inactivate C botulinum spores and may have provided conditions suitable for growth. Because of their acidic nature, tomatoes are an uncommon food to cause botulism. To improve their taste, however, some varieties of tomatoes are bred to have low acidity. This alteration may cause the pH to be just high enough to allow for the growth of C botulinum and the production of its toxin. In the present outbreak, the tomatoes were the likely original source of spores. C botulinum is a common soil organism in Canada and the spores are common on the surfaces of raw vegetables ( ).

Check canned or rattled foods for abnormalities in the container before opening. People should dispose of a can with bulging ends or joints or one that is leaking. If a glass container’s lid bulges or leaks, do not eat the food.

In 2014 the CDC said that annually in the United States, 65% of botulism cases are infant botulism, 20% are wound botulism, and 15% of cases are foodborne. Refrigerate any canned or pickled foods after you open them. Review USDA’s Complete Guide to Home Canning [PDF – 40 pages]for more information on pressure canning. You cannot see, smell, or taste the toxin, but taking even a small taste of food containing it can be deadly. I am Sharon Peterson, author of Simply Canning Guide and teacher of food preservation classes at Simply Canning School.

Few cases are linked to commercially canned olives, fish, and fruits. Generally, about 80% of foodborne botulism can be attributed to home-canned foods . Finally, keep in mind that home canned foods should never find their way into a commercial operation, retail store or restaurant.

Homemade Beef Jerky Recipe (Dehydrator + Oven Instructions)

Botulism is a rare but severe illness caused by toxins produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Foodborne botulism, or food poisoning, is the most common cause. The strains of bacteria responsible for producing botulinum toxins grow ideally in anaerobic (low-oxygen) settings with low acidity, a low amount of salt and water, and a storage temperature between 37–98 ℉ (3–37 ℃) .

home canned tomatoes botulism

Here are some questions people often ask about canned food and botulism. This delay in onset of symptoms, along with mild symptoms that are often present in other foodborne illnesses, make it difficult to diagnose botulism . Of these, foodborne botulism is the most common cause of botulism and will be the primary focus of this article.

Do all cans have botulism?

Click on the following tips for details on how to protect yourself and the people you feed. Refrigerate homemade oils infused with garlic or herbs and throw away any unused oils after 4 days. Use the right equipment for the kind of food you are canning. You can protect yourself, your family, and others by following these tips. Seek medical help immediately if you or someone you know has symptoms.

home canned tomatoes botulism

Should you boil your home canned vegetables?

Store home-canned foodsexternal icon for recommended times only. After preparing safely, label and date the jars and store them in a clean, cool, dark place. Can no more food than you will use within one year, unless directions for a specific food give other advice.

Low-acid foods include most vegetables , some fruits , milk, all meats, fish, and other seafood. Foods that are naturally high in acidityare not a risk for botulism and can thus be processed in a water bath canner. This processing is sufficient to stop other forms of spoiling. Foods like fruit and pickled items with the added vinegar.

If you are going to boil your home canned products, do it on a stove

Few cases are linked to commercially canned olives, fish, and fruits. Generally, about 80% of foodborne botulism can be attributed to home-canned foods . Finally, keep in mind that home canned foods should never find their way into a commercial operation, retail store or restaurant.

home canned tomatoes botulism

The pH of the foods was determined to identify which food would have the proper conditions to allow for C botulinum growth. Many cases of foodborne botulism have happened after people ate home-canned, preserved, or fermented foods that were contaminated with toxin. Botulism can only be avoided by avoiding contaminated food. If you’re canning or bottling your own food, be sure to follow all hygiene guidelines. To completely cook – or pasteurize – your food, use a pressure canner or cooker. The United States Department of Agriculture provides extensive, accurate method advice.

Botulism from Home Canning in the United States

Using foods that are stored in oil within 10 days of opening. Doctors treat botulism with a drug called an antitoxin, which prevents the toxin from causing any more harm. Antitoxin does not heal the damage the toxin has already done. Depending on how severe your symptoms are, you may need to stay in the hospital for weeks or even months before you are well enough to go home. After processing, tiny air bubbles may be noticed in the product. If these bubbles are inactive, they are benign or harmless.

home canned tomatoes botulism

Because it is a canning risk that is actually easy to avoid.

Home Canning, Food Safety, and Botulism

The family ate three meals together in the week preceding the outbreak . The meal on January 10, 1999 is the one that most likely contained the contaminated food because symptoms usually develop within 24 hours. On January 5, the family ate commercially prepared marinated seafood antipasto, bocconcini cheese, bruschetta, olives and pasta with tomato sauce made from home-canned tomatoes. On January 9, the family ate vegetable soup, cheese, pork, oyster mushrooms in oil and commercially prepared marinated seafood antipasto. On Sunday, January 10, they had a large family meal and invited a priest from Italy and the boyfriend of one of the daughters. Canned food is a convenient and healthy way to enjoy your favorite foods, but it's important to remember to follow a few safety precautions when home canning.

home canned tomatoes botulism

With the Internet and social media what it is today, it’s easier than ever for anyone to share anything online, and it’s more difficult than ever to weed out the fact from the fiction and the good advice from the bad. While that can be frustrating at the best of times, it can actually be deadly at the worst. According to the CDC, there are an average of 145 cases of botulism a year and 15% of them are foodborne. Health officials tested leftover food samples obtained from the trash and interviewed ill patients to determine what common food all of them ate. The USDA’s advice is, if you have followed their procedures to the letter, you do not need to boil your home canned veg; you can use them as is off the shelf with confidence. Temperatures below freezing, as well as moisture levels below 35 percent, also render botulism inactive, which is why it isn't a concern with frozen and dehydrated foods.

Strain into a bottle or Mason jar and store in the fridge for up to a week or so. With all of the bad and, most importantly, unsafe advice floating around the Internet these days, I thought it was important to clear up some of the misinformation out there. In the case of baked potatoes, do not store cooked, baked potatoes in aluminum foil as it creates the type of anaerobic environment that botulism loves. While I encourage you to get creative in the kitchen when it comes to preparing meals from scratch, when we’re talking about food preservation, you can’t just wing it.

home canned tomatoes botulism

Feel the temperature of the food if it is one that needs heating or refrigeration. Avoid a baked potato wrapped in foil, for example, if it has actually cooled. Botulism in preserved acidic foods in the US 1899 to 1975. There are several different causes for botulism other than food.

Be aware that honey, often linked to baby botulism, will reveal no signs of contamination, so never ever provide it to children under 12 months. Still, the continued persistence of some botulism from home canning shows either the persistence of unsafe canning amongst older people, or their transferring those improper ways to new home canners through the Internet. For more information about safe home canning, visit the National Center for Home Food Preservation at /nchfp or the University of Connecticut Food Safety web page at Discard sponges, cloths, rags, paper towels, and gloves that may have come into contact with contaminated food or containers with the food.

With everything going on in the world these days, we’re getting more and more serious about equipping ourselves with the tools, supplies and skills needed to handle emergency situations if the need arises. This got me thinking it was high time to pull out my bug out bag and go through it because it’s been a couple years since I last did so. I decided to share it with you here and show you what I keep packed and ready to go and go through what needs updating and what I’m missing. Yesterday I was in my Stories sharing a bit about emergency preparedness and what I’m doing to get prepared for whatever the future holds. If left untreated, botulism can be fatal, although if caught early, an anti-toxin is available and can stop the spread of botulism and paralysis. There is currently no vaccine to prevent against botulism.

Homemade Beef Jerky Recipe (Dehydrator + Oven Instructions)

Even little doses of this toxin may cause serious toxicity if consumed. If the paste’s texture changes and becomes runny, it’s probably still safe to eat, but tossing it away is the best option. It won’t taste very nice, and you don’t want to ruin a perfectly fine spaghetti and meatballs with an unpleasant tomato paste.

To discard safely, follow instructions for discarding food that may be contaminated. If your container or the food inside have any of these signs of contamination, throw it out! Follow the instructions below to throw the food out safely. These actions will help you prevent people and animals from accidentally coming into contact with food that may be contaminated. Read other food safety features to learn more about protecting yourself and your loved ones from food poisoning. Use a recommended pressure canner that holds at least four one-quart jars sitting upright on the rack.

Get Started with Your Pressure Canner Today!

Isn’t it possible to just heat the jars in a water bath canner for an extended period of time or to add acid to the jars? They can be killed at boiling water temperatures, but it takes an exceedingly long period. As a result, what is the prevalence of botulism in canned foods? Botulism outbreaks in the United States are most often caused by home-canned vegetables. There were 210 occurrences of foodborne botulism reported to the CDC between 1996 and 2014.

It turns out that the home cook had used a water bath process—which is inappropriate for low acid foods like potatoes. Twenty-nine cases of botulism were identified out of the 77 attendees. Twenty-five met the case definition and were given botulinum anti-toxin. And of course we’ll go over canning safety, equipment and over all best practices in more depth so that you always feel confident both during the canning process and while enjoying your home-canned food afterwards.

Friday, January 29, 2021

California Department of Education

Their rep met me at the arrival concourse and stayed with me till I entered the airbridge for my domestic flight to Bali. I booked a Meet & Greet service for my client with special needs at the Belgrade Airport. My dealings with Air Assist were always professional, courteous and prompt. LG home appliances allow you to create a space that's all your own—and with the functionality you need. With innovative accessories for yourwasheranddryer, plus ultra-quiet air conditioners, effective dehumidifiers and long-lasting LED lights that make it easy to find your way, our collection can help you get even more from the things you rely on.

As of April 21, 2020, over 163,000 Pennsylvanians have been tested for COVID-19 at 67 unique testing sites, including our own State Public Health laboratory and two county public health labs. Over 700 tests a day can be done at the PA DOH State Public Health laboratory and PA DOH has deployed 14 rapid testing machines to vulnerable congregate settings including correctional facilities and health care and state hospitals. Additionally, during the course of the pandemic, the Wolf Administration supported the establishment of three community-based testing sites which were located in Montgomery, Philadelphia, and Luzerne counties. The Luzerne County site is currently open and can test up to 250 people per day.


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Banking on the Locals

The fortress has also greatly aided the local economy of the town of Louisbourg, as it has struggled to diversify economically with the decline of the North Atlantic fishery. Throughout this process, the commonwealth will remain flexible and respond to the conditions on the ground in specific areas. The commonwealth will work with local governments to help inform and make decisions that are best for their communities.

In addition, health care facilities began the process of transferring supplies to help secure preparedness for those areas with greater needs. The state issued an order for the ability to transfer supplies around the commonwealth, as necessary to load balance the system. On March 19, Governor Wolf ordered all non-life-sustaining businesses to close across the commonwealth to help stop the spread of the virus. The administration provided guidance, refined parameters, and designed an exemption process that could allow some businesses to remain open under strict guidance from the state.

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Under guidance from Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine, Governor Wolf ordered all Allegheny, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery county bars and restaurants to cease dine-in operations beginning March 16 for 14 days. Nonetheless, the GOP still holds all of the county row offices, as well as a majority on the county commission. All but one state house seat is in Republican hands, as well as both of the state senate seats and the congressional seat. Most local elected officials are also Republican, by a margin of 3 to 1. This is because most of the Democratic gains have been in already heavily Democratic Harrisburg, which has had a Democratic mayor since 1982 and has been represented in the state house by a Democrat since 1975. In contrast, the suburbs and rural areas remain some of the most Republican areas in Pennsylvania.

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Greeter met him right off the aircraft and was with him until she handed my dad over to me. she made the whole experience very smooth. She was in touch with me and updated me after the completion of each step. All guidance recommends that everyone wash their hands frequently, wear a mask, practice social distancing, disinfect surfaces, avoid going out if sick, and monitoring health for symptoms of the virus.

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Californians are much more pessimistic about the direction of the country than they are about the direction of the state. Solid majorities of adults (62%) and likely voters (71%) say the United States is going in the wrong direction, and majorities have held this view since September 2021. One in three or fewer adults (33%) and likely voters (25%) think the country is going in the right direction.

Communication and collaboration with other states have been vital as people typically travel between neighboring states for work, to visit family, and to vacation under non-pandemic circumstances. On April 13, Governor Wolf joined six other governors in a council to plan how states can work together to safely reopen and begin the process of recovery. On April 9, Governor Wolf announced the closure of schools through the end of the academic year and a temporary reprieve program for non-violent state correctional facility inmates amid Department of Corrections plans to keep inmates safe while incarcerated. After a county transitions to the yellow phase, we will closely monitor for increased risk, such as significant outbreaks.

Of course, population growth did not come without consequences. Smallpox ravaged the population in 1731 and 1732, but Louisbourg continued to grow, especially economically. The original settlement was made in 1713, and initially called Havre à l'Anglois. Subsequently, the fishing port grew to become a major commercial port and a strongly defended fortress.

Search for providers licensed by program offices within the Department of Human Services. To find a licensed human service program, you can select any of the below search criteria. You must enter at least four characters in order to search for a facility name or legal entity name.

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Corporate managed and supported testing sites such as those available through commercial pharmacies and other providers. For employers, remote or telework should be the primary option if possible. Employers should expand technology where possible to provide remote or telework options. If remote or telework are not possible, employers must follow the guidance developed by the commonwealth in order to reduce the risk of coronavirus spread and to ensure workers are kept safe. A target goal for reopening was initially set at having fewer than 50 new confirmed cases per 100,000 population reported to DOH in the previous 14 days. Federal support and aid have been critical in the state’s response.

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Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Wolf Administration has provided general safety guidance for businesses, organizations, and individuals. The administration will use this data-driven decision support tool to better understand the current health and economic status, as well as the inherent risks and benefits to reopening certain businesses and industry areas. Cell phone interviews were conducted using a computer-generated random sample of cell phone numbers. Additionally, we utilized a registration-based sample of cell phone numbers for adults who are registered to vote in California. All cell phone numbers with California area codes were eligible for selection. After a cell phone user was reached, the interviewer verified that this person was age 18 or older, a resident of California, and in a safe place to continue the survey (e.g., not driving).

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Information about California public schools, private schools, nonpublic nonsectarian schools, school districts, and county offices of education. On March 16, the Department of Human Services closed LIFE day centers to avoid congregate settings and to practice social distancing. LIFE Provider Organizations should continue to use discretion when utilizing the clinic and therapy areas to see participants. Organizations will be required to make employees and customers aware of the guidance provided by the commonwealth to keep people at their establishment safe. There is also a requirement to name a “Pandemic Safety Officer” who would be in charge of carrying out the COVID-19 safety procedures set forth in this guidance. Second, the commonwealth will use a modeling dashboard under development and evaluation by Carnegie Mellon University to take a regional and sector-based approach to reopenings, the easing of restrictions, and response.

Limitations on large gatherings unrelated to occupations should remain in place for the duration of the reopening process.

As a user of our website, you will be given the opportunity to notify us of your desire not to receive these offers by clicking on a response box when you receive such an offer or by sending us an email request. Alder Health Services improves the health and well-being of individuals living with HIV/AIDS and members of the LGBTQ+ communities in South Central Pennsylvania by providing an inclusive and affirming environment that empowers the people we serve. Depiction of the Port of Louisbourg prior to the fortress's dismantling by the British. At the time, the settlement was the third busiest port in North America.

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Californians are much more pessimistic about the direction of the country than they are about the direction of the state. Solid majorities of adults (62%) and likely voters (71%) say the United States is going in the wrong direction, and majorities have held this view since September 2021. One in three or fewer adults (33%) and likely voters (25%) think the country is going in the right direction.

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Corporate managed and supported testing sites such as those available through commercial pharmacies and other providers. For employers, remote or telework should be the primary option if possible. Employers should expand technology where possible to provide remote or telework options. If remote or telework are not possible, employers must follow the guidance developed by the commonwealth in order to reduce the risk of coronavirus spread and to ensure workers are kept safe. A target goal for reopening was initially set at having fewer than 50 new confirmed cases per 100,000 population reported to DOH in the previous 14 days. Federal support and aid have been critical in the state’s response.

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Today, about eight in ten Democrats—compared to about half of independents and about one in ten Republicans—approve of Governor Newsom. Half or more across regions approve of Newsom, except in the Central Valley (42%). Across demographic groups, about half or more approve of how Governor Newsom is handling his job. As Californians prepare to vote in the upcoming midterm election, fewer than half of adults and likely voters are satisfied with the way democracy is working in the United States—and few are very satisfied.

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Cell phone respondents were offered a small reimbursement to help defray the cost of the call. Cell phone interviews were conducted with adults who have cell phone service only and with those who have both cell phone and landline service in the household. With about two weeks to go before Governor Newsom’s bid for reelection, a majority of Californians (54%) and likely voters (52%) approve of the way he is handling his job, while fewer disapprove (33% adults, 45% likely voters). Approval was nearly identical in September (52% adults, 55% likely voters) and has been 50 percent or more since January 2020.

Medicine & Health

Timelines are coordinated, however, so that you will continue to receive services from the old program until ACAP services start. The Adult Community Autism Program, also known as ACAP, is one of two programs in Pennsylvania specifically designed to help adults with autism spectrum disorder participate in their communities in the way that they want to, based upon their identified needs. Microsoft’s acknowledgment of a mobile gaming push comes as the company increasingly positions Xbox Cloud Gaming as an option for mobile gaming on emerging handhelds.

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Six in ten likely voters say they are following news about the 2022 governor’s race very (25%) or fairly (35%) closely—a share that has risen from half just a month ago (17% very, 33% fairly). This finding is somewhat similar to October 2018, when 68 percent said this (28% very, 40% closely) a month before the previous gubernatorial election. Today, majorities across partisan, demographic, and regional groups say they are following news about the gubernatorial election either very or fairly closely. The shares saying they are following the news very closely is highest among residents in Republican districts (39%), Republicans (30%), whites (29%), and adults with incomes of $40,000 to $79,999 (29%). Older likely voters (27%) are slightly more likely than younger likely voters (21%) to say they are following the news closely. With persistent inflation and concerns about a possible recession in the future, an overwhelming majority of Californians believe the US economy is in not so good (43% adults, 40% likely voters) or poor (33% adults, 36% likely voters) shape.

Banking on the Locals

On April 4, the Department of Human Services temporarily suspended all transfers to state-run juvenile justice facilities. This step was taken to allow staff to create two ten-bed intake units to mitigate risk of spread at the state-run facilities. Youth awaiting transfer to the state-run juvenile justice system will be admitted to the intake unit on the same day and remain in the unit for 14 days until they are cleared for entry into their designated program. If any youth test positive for COVID-19 during this 14-day period, they will be moved into isolation and the youth who are in the intake unit will restart their 14 days in the unit to make sure that they do not develop symptoms of COVID-19.

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He is a leading expert on public opinion and survey methodology, and has directed the PPIC Statewide Survey since 1998. He is an authority on elections, voter behavior, and political and fiscal reform, and the author of ten books and numerous publications. Previously, he served as PPIC’s director of research and senior fellow.

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On March 7, PEMA elevated the activation level of its CRCC to a full activation during daylight hours to provide for additional support for PA DOH and to coordinate planning and response operations across state agencies and federal, state, and local jurisdictions. Discussed in greater detail below, the administration will utilize a three-phase matrix to determine when counties and/or regions are ready to begin easing some restrictions on work, congregate settings, and social interactions. We are planning for the days and weeks ahead when we will not only safely return Pennsylvanians to work but return to a different and more resilient Pennsylvania. While we cannot be certain of the future path of this disease, our decisions will be driven first by prioritizing the health and safety of all Pennsylvanians. PA DOH and PEMA have worked together to develop plans and stand up alternative care sites in the northeast and southeast so when our health care system becomes overwhelmed, we can load balance patients and supplies by keeping patient safety top of mind.

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While the administration has needed to take unprecedented action in limiting visitation for vulnerable populations in congregate care settings, we are doing all we can to create new opportunities for social connectedness. For example, the Department of Aging through its Office of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman has developed a strategic partnership with the AARP to re-establish lines of communication with nursing home residents in targeted facilities throughout the commonwealth. As this disaster emergency continues over the next weeks and months, this critical technology, when strategically placed, will help meet the psychosocial needs of these already vulnerable individuals. First, DOH, in coordination with PEMA, other commonwealth agencies, and stakeholders in the areas of public health, economics, and emergency management, has developed criteria that will help guide decisions about reopenings and the easing of restrictions. On April 15, the Secretary of Health issued an Order requiring safety measures in all businesses permitted to maintain in-person, physical operations except for health care providers. To successfully mitigate a surge that could overwhelm the state’s health care system, the administration sought information, capabilities, and needs from manufacturers that could ramp up to supply necessary personal protective equipment and others supplies.

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She holds a BA in psychology from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. Rachel Lawler is a survey analyst at the Public Policy Institute of California, where she works with the statewide survey team. Prior to joining PPIC, she was a client manager in Kantar Millward Brown’s Dublin, Ireland office.

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In the county, the population was spread out, with 24.30% under the age of 18, 7.60% from 18 to 24, 30.10% from 25 to 44, 23.80% from 45 to 64, and 14.20% who were 65 years of age or older. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 88.80 males. BSASP will decide if the application process can continue based on your eligibility. Once BSASP determines your eligibility, your application will be sent to Keystone Autism Services . Participants are assessed each year to ensure they continue to meet all eligibility requirements. In order to be eligible for ACAP, a person must be age 21 or older, a U.S. citizen or qualified alien, reside in the service area, and meet certain diagnostic, functional and financial eligibility criteria .

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Positive cases will be isolated, and their close contacts counseled and quarantined. The department will continue to conduct investigations of outbreaks at businesses, correctional facilities, and long-term or other congregate care facilities. This work will be done in partnership with local health departments and other health care infrastructure in the region. Existing public health systems and new technology tools will be utilized to support these boots on the ground efforts.


In addition, health care facilities began the process of transferring supplies to help secure preparedness for those areas with greater needs. The state issued an order for the ability to transfer supplies around the commonwealth, as necessary to load balance the system. On March 19, Governor Wolf ordered all non-life-sustaining businesses to close across the commonwealth to help stop the spread of the virus. The administration provided guidance, refined parameters, and designed an exemption process that could allow some businesses to remain open under strict guidance from the state.

The participant is at the center of all service planning and service delivery. During the service planning process ACAP participants share their goals, likes and dislikes to help determine what services they will receive. Once enrolled in ACAP, the participant is actively involved in the services they receive and their ongoing services plan. Provides a holistic approach and integration of physical health and behavioral health, as well as home and community-based supports. If you want to get high-quality airport service- they are the only ones whom you should ask.

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“The agreement between Activision Blizzard and Sony includes restrictions on the ability of Activision Blizzard to place Call of Duty titles on Game Pass for a number of years,” says Microsoft in its filings. Xbox Game Pass is also at the heart of the ongoing battles between Microsoft and Sony over Call of Duty. Sony is arguing that Microsoft could take Call of Duty away from PlayStation entirely, while Microsoft says that wouldn’t make business sense. This disagreement has spilled out into a public war of words between Sony’s PlayStation chief and Microsoft’s head of Xbox, but the real conflict is happening behind closed doors. Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney welcomed Microsoft’s first hints at an open app store model in 2019 ahead of a giant battle between Epic and Apple a year later that saw Fortnite disappear from iPhones. Epic has been arguing that Apple should allow third-party payment systems in its App Store or even allow rival app stores to function on iPhones and iPads.

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In these regions, it is important to account for hospital capacity as reopenings and the easing of restrictions begin. For example, in the north central region there is less population density and fewer cases, but there is less hospital capacity if cases and hospitalizations were to surge. These factors will be considered on an ongoing basis and employers will be responsible for developing and demonstrating compliance with criteria in consultation with PA DOH and other relevant state agencies. At any point, the Governor, in consultation with PA DOH and PEMA may revise reopening standards to adjust for the spread of disease. Democratic incumbent Gavin Newsom is ahead of Republican Brian Dahle (55% to 36%) among likely voters, while few say they would not vote, would vote for neither, or don’t know who they would vote for in the governor’s race.

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The share supporting the reelection of the governor was similar a month ago (58% Newsom, 31% Dahle). Today, Newsom enjoys the support of most Democrats (91%), while most Republicans (86%) support Dahle; Newsom has an edge over Dahle among independent likely voters (47% Newsom, 37% Dahle). Across the state’s regions, two in three in the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles support Newsom, as do nearly half in the Inland Empire and Orange/San Diego; likely voters in the Central Valley are split. Newsom leads in all demographic groups, with the exception of men (45% Newsom, 44% Dahle) and those with a high school diploma only (46% Newsom, 49% Dahle). The share supporting Newsom grows as educational attainment increases (46% high school only, 56% some college, 60% college graduates), while it decreases with rising income (64% less than $40,000, 56% $40,000 to $79,999, 52% $80,000 or more). On April 7, the Department of Human Services issued procedures that must be followed for admission of an individual to one of the department’s state facilities.

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We are committed to alternative means of communication for residents with their family, friends, community members, and advocates while we take necessary health and safety precautions. The reopening and the easing of restriction approach will primarily focus on regions, however certain industries are more susceptible to the spread of COVID-19. Other industries are more vulnerable to changing economic conditions. These factors are also part of the data and modeling project and will be closely considered as part of the reopening and the easing of restriction process. When reopened, these businesses will have to adhere to strict guidelines for density and procedures.

The sample included 569 respondents reached by calling back respondents who had previously completed an interview in PPIC Statewide Surveys in the last six months. Interviewing took place on weekend days and weekday nights from October 14–23, 2022. Approval of Congress remains low, with fewer than four in ten adults (37%) and likely voters (29%) approving. Approval of Congress among adults has been below 40 percent for all of 2022 after seeing a brief run above 40 percent for all of 2021.

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Process to Reopen Pennsylvania

In addition to the lack of satisfaction with the way democracy is working, Californians are divided about whether Americans of different political positions can still come together and work out their differences. Forty-nine percent are optimistic, while 46 percent are pessimistic. Optimism has been similar in more recent years, but has decreased 7 points since we first asked this question in September 2017 (56%).

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Numerous questions were adapted from national surveys by ABC News/Washington Post, CBS News, NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist, and the Pew Research Center. Additional details about our methodology can be found at /wp-content/uploads/SurveyMethodology.pdf and are available upon request through The percentages presented in the report tables and in the questionnaire may not add to 100 due to rounding.

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While the administration has needed to take unprecedented action in limiting visitation for vulnerable populations in congregate care settings, we are doing all we can to create new opportunities for social connectedness. For example, the Department of Aging through its Office of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman has developed a strategic partnership with the AARP to re-establish lines of communication with nursing home residents in targeted facilities throughout the commonwealth. As this disaster emergency continues over the next weeks and months, this critical technology, when strategically placed, will help meet the psychosocial needs of these already vulnerable individuals. First, DOH, in coordination with PEMA, other commonwealth agencies, and stakeholders in the areas of public health, economics, and emergency management, has developed criteria that will help guide decisions about reopenings and the easing of restrictions. On April 15, the Secretary of Health issued an Order requiring safety measures in all businesses permitted to maintain in-person, physical operations except for health care providers. To successfully mitigate a surge that could overwhelm the state’s health care system, the administration sought information, capabilities, and needs from manufacturers that could ramp up to supply necessary personal protective equipment and others supplies.

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